Adaptive is based on FSharp.Data.Adaptive. In Fun.Blazor, we only use a very small piece of its power ChangableValue, and the result is already great. For its core concept, you can check their documentation.
In Fun.Blazor, we use it to isolate dynamic UI parts. Because most of the time, your data changes will only affect a specific part of the whole UI. So you can define things like the following:
let yourUI =
div {
style { ... }
... a lot of stuff
adapt {
let! msg = from store
// only below part will be rerendered.
div {
style { ... }
... a lot of stuff
Please remember, the adaptive model is optional. If you do not like it, you can use your own model.
You may notice that you can also do the following, and it may look cleaner from a different point of view. But DisableEventTriggerStateHasChanged is turned on by default. The reason is to reduce the calculation of the virtual dom. With adaptiview, we can narrow the dom to a specific part for recalculating the dom in an isolated way. If you check the Form documentation, you will see it uses this pattern a lot. With that, we can have better performance for large UI dom trees.