.NET WASM is still loading. You can interact in this page after it's fully loaded.

Current page is prerendered.

Cascading values

You can learn more about the concept of cascading values by referring to the official documentation.

Here's how you can use it in Fun.Blazor:

type MyContext() =
    inherit FunComponent()

    // Currently, I have not found any useful APIs to consume CascadingValue directly, and the only way is by attribute. 
    // So, we will first define a class component to consume it.
    [<CascadingParameter(Name = "MyContext")>]
    member val Context = 0 with get, set

    member val ContentView = (fun (_: int) -> html.none) with get, set

    override this.Render() = this.ContentView this.Context

    static member Consume(view: int -> NodeRenderFragment) =
        NodeRenderFragment(fun _ builder index ->
            builder.AddAttribute(index + 1, "ContentView", view)
            index + 2

let demo =
    CascadingValue'() {
        Name "MyContext"
        Value 1
        CascadingValue'() {
            Name "MyContext"
            Value 2 // This value will be consumed because it is more close to the consumer.
            MyContext.Consume (fun x -> div {
                $"data = {x}"