For what is htmx please check their doc, here in Fun.Blazor we use it for pull down blazor content by its request and inject into somewhere.
It is recommend to use it together with custom element, so we can get real time interactive with websocket which has full power of blazor when needed.
There is also a blog which is related to this topic.
How to use
Register the components:
services.AddServerSideBlazor(fun options ->
// for using html.customElement
app.MapRazorComponentsForSSR(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), enableAntiforgery = true)
app.MapCustomElementsForSSR(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), enableAntiforgery = true)
The simple way to serve a page
app.MapFunBlazor(fun _ -> html' {
head {
CustomElement.lazyBlazorJs ()
body {
// We can use html.customElement to prerender something and connect to server with websocket at some point
html.customElement (
ComponentAttrBuilder<PostLikesSurvey>().Add((fun x -> x.post_id), post.Id),
renderAfter = RenderAfter.InViewport
// For more complex cases, we can use htmx to fetch customElement and then connect to server with websocket
div {
hxTrigger hxEvt.intersect
hxGetCustomElement (QueryBuilder<PostLikesSurvey>().Add((fun x -> x.post_id), post.Id))
// We can also just request any blazor component as a static dom content and inject at some point based on htmx
div {
hxTrigger hxEvt.intersect
hxGetComponent (QueryBuilder<PostComment>().Add((fun x -> x.PostId), post.Id))
// Or prerender directly and later on the PostComment itself will have htmx integration
html.blazor (ComponentAttrBuilder<PostComment>().Add((fun x -> x.PostId), post.Id))
// script for htmx
script { src "" }
type PostLikesSurvey() =
inherit FunComponent()
member val post_id = "" with get, set
override this.Render() = fragment {
type PostComment() as this =
inherit FunComponent()
member val PostId = Guid.Empty with get, set
member val Comment = "" with get, set
override _.Render() = form {
hxPostComponent typeof<PostComment>
// You can use below method to save the current state in the form, so the browser will always have the latest state
// And later you can override it, because server will only take the last value for the same key
html.createHiddenInputs this
html.blazor<AntiforgeryToken> ()
textarea {
name (nameof this.Comment)
value this.Comment
button {
type' InputTypes.Submit