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Below is auto generated bindings, if the version does not match your requirements you can use the Fun.Blazor.Cli to generate your own.

The bindings will be updated every week.

dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.AntDesign --version 1.2.0
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.ApexCharts --version 5.1.0
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.BlazorMonaco --version 3.3.0
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Diagrams --version 3.0.3
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Microsoft.Authorization --version 9.0.1
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Microsoft.FluentUI --version 4.11.3
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Microsoft.QuickGrid --version 9.0.1
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Microsoft.Web --version 9.0.1
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.MudBlazor --version 8.2.0
dotnet add package Fun.Blazor.Radzen --version 5.9.7