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Can I use third-party Blazor components?

Yes, you can simply add package references to the F# project and use the CLI to generate the Fun.Blazor CE DSL for you. Refer to the CLI documentation for more information.

Can I use my existing C# Blazor components?

Yes, you can just add project references to the F# project and use the CLI to generate the Fun.Blazor CE DSL for you. Refer to the CLI documentation for more information.

Can I use Fun.Blazor to build components for my existing C# Blazor projects?

Yes, it is the same as what you can do with C#. For example:

type Counter() as this =
    inherit FunComponent()

    member val Count = 0 with get, set

    override _.Render() = div {
        button {
            onclick (fun _ -> this.Count <- this.Count + 1)