Still loading... You can interact in this page after it's fully loaded/connected.

Current page is prerendered.


Unlike blazor in csharp which is using razor engine to generate csharp code from html template. So it can create a static sequence number when compile to help improve DOM diff calculation. For more information about the sequence number and diff performance.

But in Fun.Blazor everything is dynamic, so the sequence number can also change dynamically when you compose different fragment or component. For example:

div { // sequence 0
    if isLoading then
    div { // sequence may change

When isLoading is true, then the loader will be added, and the sequence number will change, because every time when we add attribute or node, we will increase the sequence number.

According to the official document, we developed region to help with this:

div { // sequence 0
    region { // sequence 1
        // Below content's sequence number is isolated
        if isLoading then
    div { // sequence 2
        "hi" // sequence 3

Most of the time, we will not even notice the difference with or without the region, but it is better to keep dynamic pieces in an isolated area both for readability and performance. And in Fun.Blazor, the fragment, adaptiview and html.inject already use region under the hood to isolate its content, so the sequence number changing will not amplifying. For example:

div { // sequence 0
    adapt { // sequence 1
        match! isLoading with
        | true -> loader
        | false -> someDataView
    div { // sequence 2
        "hi" // sequence 3