Still loading... You can interact in this page after it's fully loaded/connected.
Current page is prerendered.
You can run it in anywhere where dotnet can run!
SSR (Server side rendering)
Everything can be rendered on the server and streamed to browser and improve SEO etc.
This is mainly for static page rendering or first load for some pages.
Server Mode
Can do very complex interactive UI logic.
Very productive for enterprise internal tools, because there is no need to build any RESTful APIs, everything is handled on server.
Will need WebSocket support, so the network or connectivity will have large impact on its use cases.
Client Mode (WASM)
Like all other frameworks' WASM mode, will load all the code in the browser and run locally. So the download size may be a little big.
Hyper Mode
Get all the benifits, but yes it will introduce more complexity.
For example, the first load can be SSR, a quick and fast static page will be sent to user. Then will check if the client side file (WASM) is downloaded before, if not then will use server mode to serve the logic, and in the background the WASM files will be loaded for the next time's usage.
Hyper mode 2
Prefer SSR first, then for simple interactive logic use
to do partial html patch. For rich interactive, we can use server mode and only render it when it's in view.Access to rich ecosystem by auto-generated/pre-generated bindings!!! ❤️
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